
Mr Saravanan (Founder Director): He is a man with 25+ years of experience in tourism and has travelled 79+ countries. He has gained fame and rewards from customers by taking them inside India and making group tours to America, Europe, New Zealand, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Omen and Uzbekistan. He is a well-known person in 4 states and he is doing social welfare for people through Rotary and JC organisations.

A woman with 15+ years of experience in tourism and has travelled 37+ countries. She has the capability of taking groups of people for tourism to both domestic and foreign places and also given hospitality management. She has travelled not only to the places inside India, she has been to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Maale, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, China, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. She served as Zone president of JCI India in the year 2018.